Melissa Joy (MJ) Britton [they/them/theirs] is 29 years old. They earned their Bachelor’s Degree in Vocal Performance at Delta State University in 2017, where they studied with Drs. Mary Lenn Buchanan, Chad Payton, and Laurissa Backlin. Then, they earned their Master’s Degree in Vocal Performance from Austin Peay State University in 2019 under the direction of Drs. Jeffrey Williams and Virginia Lile Boaz. They enjoy arranging songs for their section of the Commercial Music Ensemble in their free time. They have participated three times in The Wesley Balk Institute, where they (most recently) performed as Third Lady in the opening scene from The Magic Flute and as Head in “Head, Heart” by George Maurer. They are also a member of The Goode Time Carolers’ Association, and they were seen spreading Christmas cheer throughout middle Tennessee in December of 2023.
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