Rika Nishikawa, a homeschooled high school senior, has already made significant strides in the world of theater and musicals, showcasing a natural affinity for the performing arts from a very young age. Her journey into the spotlight began with a captivating solo performance as a first grader in a school talent show, marking the start of her passion for the stage.
By the age of 7, Rika had already made her professional stage debut in "The King and I" at Marriott Theatre. This early achievement was just the beginning, and three years later, she made her Broadway debut with the role of Young Nala in Disney's "The Lion King." Rika's theatrical repertoire has continued to expand, performing in numerous productions such as "A Christmas Carol" at Goodman Theatre, "The King and I" at Drury Lane Theatre and Lyric Opera of Chicago, "Annie Warbucks" at Theatre at the Center, "South Pacific" at Drury Lane Theatre, and "Mesmerized" at Chicago Children’s Theatre.
Her talents have not only been recognized on stage but also in various competitions. Rika was a top 7 finalist at the 2022 CS Music Vocal Competition and a semifinalist at the 2023 NATS National Student Auditions. In 2024, she was the YoungArts Award Winner with Distinction in Theater/Musical.
In addition to her theatrical pursuits, Rika has a strong passion for dance, with a particular love for ballet, contemporary, and theater jazz. Her dedication to the arts extends beyond her own performances. As a member of the Urban Gateways Teen Council last year, she played a pivotal role in promoting theater, organizing events, and enhancing access to performing arts for Chicago teens to spread the joy of theater.
She loves reading and writing and has received awards from the EPA, US District Court, and The New York Times, among others. This year, she is proudly an intern at the Chicago Public Library and On The Money Magazine.
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