
Trinity Stenton

Santa Cruz,CA,USA
High School, 2024
Classical, Musical Theatre, Mezzo-Soprano

Highlights & Awards

  • "Something Rotten," Bea Bottom
  • Sony Productions, Lyle Lyle Crocodile "The Happiest Performance"
  • State Fair Pleasanton, CA
  • Studied at Eastern Music Camp, Colgate University
  • 2nd place at San Jose, Youth Focus Group Competition
  • San Jose Giants, National Anthem
  • Singer# 1656


Trinity Stenton is a mezzo-soprano with a deep passion for musical theater. With a remarkable vocal range and a flair for performance, she captivates audiences with her powerful and emotive singing.

Beyond her vocal abilities, Trinity is a versatile musician who plays the piano and the guitar. She finds great joy in creating music, allowing her artistic expression to flow through her fingertips and her voice. Trinity studies voice with Dr. Chelsea Melamed and Bobbie Ward.

As an inter-baccalaureate student, Trinity combines her academic pursuits with her love for the stage. She balances her studies while dedicating herself to honing her craft and delivering outstanding performances.

Trinity's love for musical theater shines through in every role she takes on, bringing characters to life and leaving a lasting impact on her audience.

