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Holly Butler

Classical, Musical Theatre, Mezzo-Soprano

Highlights & Awards


HOLLY BUTLER - Holly has performed in JUMP, JIVE & JUKEBOX and OKLAHOMA, JR with Servant Stage; POLLYANNA and FIDDLER ON THE ROOF at Lancaster County Christian School; PETER AND THE STAR CATCHERS, KING LEAR, HELLO DOLLY and was Bell in BEAUTY AND THE BEAST at the Conestoga Valley HS; PIRATES OF PENZANCE with Cavod Theatre Company. Holly was the 2019 first place winner of the Opera Lancaster Association in the High School division. She attended the Boston Conservatory for a 2-week Vocal Chorus Intensive program and went to Los Angeles, CA with Camp Broadway to perform in the Hollywood Christmas Parade which aired on TV last December. Holly is so blessed to have the amazing support of her family, dance instructor, and voice coaches in Lancaster, PA and New York City.

