Classical Singer Goes to Europe

Classical Singer Goes to Europe

Dear Classical Singer Online Reader,

Europe and North America have always been engaged in a well-choreographed dance of exchanging talent, from science to opera and its many nightingales. This beautiful dance has brought every artist a tangible feel of potential, whether it is Europe exporting its divas to sing at the newly formed Metropolitan Opera in 1884 or North America sending waves of well-trained eager singers auditioning for the coveted German state theatre system 140 years later in 2024.

From its humble beginnings as the New York Opera Newsletter to the fully-fledged Classical Singer Magazine and now our online magazine Classical Singer Online, we uphold a tradition of being on the forefront of the constantly pulsating cosmos of opera, bridging the worlds of education and professional work for every singer who has opened our pages.


So, come join us as we leap forward again and make European content a permanent fixture in our online magazine Classical Singer Online! We will spotlight European professionals who move the needle forward and do things just a bit differently. We will run a series on moving to Germany as a singer—the good, the bad, the insights you will not find on TikTok and the truths no one tells you about. We will run a series focusing on Young Artist Programs which drive change and promote an inclusive and holistic approach to education. We will shine a light on the dark corners of our business and talk about things which need talking about, even if uncomfortable—with honesty, integrity, empathy, and grit. Our European content will also include features, profiles, and, and (we are getting breathless!), and so much more.

We look forward to presenting the thought-provoking European content we have in the pipeline. But most of all, we look forward to having a dialogue with you, our readers around the world, the reason we put pen to paper and take leaps. Tell us what you would like to read about and what tickles your curiosity about the European market.


Send us your questions, feedback, comments, interests, and topics at

Anastasia Inniss

Anastasia Inniss is a versatile and multifaceted artist currently working in Europe. Her work encompasses performance, education, directing, production, and arts leadership.