Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor: Carla Wood came to my rescue when I took the train, plus the subway, to New York City for an audition only to find I’d been given the wrong date! It was the previous day. I had sent them a check for the audition, and my request for a refund was ignored. CJ, when I called her about it, immediately got in touch with them, and I shortly after received the refund.

Also, I was very saddened to hear of Gary Rideout’s untimely death [Bulletin Board, December 2007]. He and I were soloists for an a cappella choral work of Bortniansky in Canada with three weeks of rehearsal prior to the concert, and he was always friendly and professional—such a beautiful voice. What a loss.
—Betty Jean Rieders, Rushland, Penn.

Dear Editor: Thanks for a great magazine. I trust Classical Singer is keeping track of the exchange on the U.S. dollar. With the Canadian dollar now stronger than the U.S. one, the difference seems a lot to pay for postage. But worth it for a great magazine.
—Elsie Hepburn, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada

[Thank you for bringing this to our attention. We will indeed look into adjusting our Canadian subscription rate. –ed.]

Dear Editor: I’ve read with interest [Dr. Jahn’s] articles on yeast infections. This last one in the January 2008 issue was especially relevant to my situation.

I coughed for two years, began wheezing, and was treated at various times for acid reflux, bronchial asthma, and possible sinus infection, and with one antibiotic after another. Then, of course, came the steroids to help me breathe. I dreaded facing the night because my wheezing was so loud it kept me awake, and I coughed so dramatically that I was afraid to put my head down.

This went on and off for two years. Meanwhile, I was hoarse and exhausted. Finally, I found a doctor . . . who is an internist, cardiologist, and homeopath. . . . [He] diagnosed a yeast infection—he said in my lungs—and I went on a no sugar, no white flour [diet]—really a very strict diet—plus taking his homeopathic medicines. It took some time, but at last I’m well and my immune system is so strong I haven’t even had a sniffle this year.

Most doctors don’t even think of yeast infections and don’t really know how to treat them. [We] really must spread the word. —Margot Moser, via e-mail


In the February 2008 issue, the singer shown on page 48 is baritone Glenn Ellington, not Paul Whitsett. The singer shown on page 50 is mezzo-soprano Kelly Birch, not Molly Tucker. Ellington and Birch are both students at the University of California, Irvine. CS regrets the error.

In the Letters to the Editor section of the Feb. 2008 issue (p. 6), the editor pointed readers to Dr. Anthony Jahn’s column discussing the effects of bulimia on singing in the February issue. The column actually appears in this issue (see p. 38).