For 21 years Chorus America has existed as a resource and support system for choral organizations in the U.S. In a recent conversation with Karen Richter, member services director of the organization, some upcoming major changes were revealed.
After a long national search, Maurice Staples will be taking over as Chorus America’s executive director. Staples, former general manager of the Los Angeles Master Chorale, arrives just in time to oversee another organizational change even broader in scope. Early this fall, the Philadelphia-based organization will be moving to Washington, DC, in part to begin a collaboration with Opera America. (Opera America has recently acquired Opera World, a catalog and mail order distributor of opera-related materials, including recordings, videos and books.)
Although it remains to be seen what kind of long-term impact this collaboration may have on Chorus America, Richter was sanguine about future possibilities. Richter indicated that cross-membership between Chorus America and Opera America was not outside the realm of possibility. None of the current Chorus America staff will be making the move to Washington, but a search will be underway for a development director.
Choral music and organizations have not been neglected in the rapidly expanding array of websites and mailing lists now available to internet users. Here are a few resources to get you started.
ChoralNet is a good resource for links to many various aspects of choral music, including performances, professional development and job listings, news, references, organizations, and other information. The URL for their website is
Another interesting choral site is ChoirPros. This is a site intended primarily for singers advertising their services, and includes a handy clickable map for easy geographic proximity. Have a look at
Choralist is a mailing list devoted to choral conductors, singers, and other personnel working in choral music. To subscribe send an e-mail to listproc@lists., and in the body of the message write “subscribe choralist your real name.” For example, the message might say “subscribe choralist John Q. Public.” (Leave out the quotation marks.)