John Fisk—Young singer doing the New York auditions circuit
John is at his summer program and does not have e-mail access. We’ll hear about his progress when he returns.
Kristine Hurst-Wajszczuk—A Doctor of Musical Arts student, University of Colorado at Boulder
1. Begin summer show rehearsals.
REPORT: Done: We open in 3 weeks.
2. Finish German translation test.
REPORT:Done: I passed.
3. Begin revision of Elizabethan music paper from this semester to fit format of a lecture recital.
REPORT: In progress—I’m meeting with my professor for his input this coming week.
4. Begin other two dissertation projects.
REPORT: Not begun yet. Want to finish the above first.
5. Resume weight training, etc. once the fitness center re-opens.
REPORT: Done. This is really important, because the dance numbers in the shows are really hard on my newly rehabilitated knee.
BONUS: I didn’t resolve to do this, but took a few hours to lay out what needs to be done each month for me to graduate next August. It’s daunting, but I can do it if I stay on track.
BONUS 2: Another “extra”—I had my Lead TA Planning Meeting with the coordinator of Graduate Teacher Program. Good to get that out of the way about 2 months early! This way I will feel less harried when August rolls around. She likes my plan, so I’m thinking in the right direction there.
BONUS 3: Went to a workshop through the Graduate Teacher Program. “Assessing Non-Written Work” was great, and gave me tools to deal with grading private students in a more quantifiable way. Invaluable!
1. Shows open: performances five days a week for a month.
2. Work on lecture recital paper/revision.
3. Begin two other dissertation projects.
4. Continue working out regularly.
5. Continue going to Summer Session Workshops through the Graduate Teacher Program.
6. Begin practicing with the lutenist for my lecture recital.
7. Sing at church whenever possible.
8. Begin new part-time job at the Development Office.
Janeanne Houston—A professional singer performing, recording and teaching in Seattle
1.Get everything underway for the recording.
REPORT: After I returned from Oregon, I spent a week getting caught up and following up on some contacts. This literally took an entire week, since I also needed to do some make-up lessons for my students. Another week was devoted to a visit from my parents and to visiting my aunt who was placed in a hospice. There has been much excitement, since my sister is going to have her first novel published by a major publisher. This month the following things have happened for the recording:
1. Manuscript for new arrangement arrived, was reviewed, some changes were made, and a wonderful harpist was found.
2. Got rehearsals for the recording in place. This was no small feat. Hopefully we have enough of them!
3. Decided personnel issues and division of labor. In trying to be efficient, it became apparent that we needed to divide some of the jobs. I realized that a lot decisions simply had to be made by me. It is important for all of you who are making recordings to know that you are the producer in the planning stages, and the tough decisions will have to be made by you. I asked a lot of questions, too.
4. Did a timing of all the music, and needed to make some cuts, so those were made. I had to be quite ruthless.
5. Added a new set of contemporary songs for soprano and string quartet that will be a recording premiere.
6. Got all of the instrumentalists in place. This involves three oboes, one clarinet, one flute, a string quartet, bass, harp, harpsichord, portative organ and piano. I also made arrangements to have the keyboards tuned on the days of recording in the hall. I’ve found myself “cursing my muse” occasionally. Why couldn’t I have imagined a simple piano voice recording?
7. I had several rehearsals with my accompanist, who will double as conductor for the ensembles. I put together books of music for him and for the producer who is the person with great ears and watches the score like a hawk during the recording process. He will work with the engineer to set balances. Since this will be a “live” recording, getting the right person in that job is VERY important.
8. Contacted an artist who will do original cover art for the recording. We are meeting this week.
9. Contacted the graphic designer and CD manufacturer.
10. Did a preliminary recording schedule that used the performers’ time efficiently.
11. Received a small grant.
1. Do a good job on the recording, which is happening July 16-18. Make sure absolutely everything is in place, including finding someone to help with lunch for the performers.
2. Get all the licenses in place (the research is done on this already).
3. Keep my voice in good shape.
4. Over-prepare 🙂