The Singer and Yogic Health Enhancers: The Neti Pot

Healthy singing begins with clear sinuses and nasal passages. Singers must continually battle pollution, dust, pollen, viruses and other microbes to keep their singing mechanisms in top form. One way to do this is to gently cleanse the nasal passages with the aid of a Neti Pot. A Neti Pot is a small ceramic or metal teapot-like container which you will fill with lukewarm salt water. The Neti Pot will come with specific directions on filling and using. Standing with your head over a sink, or in the shower, tilt your head horizontally while allowing the saltwater to flow into the upper nostril and out the bottom nostril. Repeat with the other nostril after tilting your head to the opposite side. Some of my students prefer to use lukewarm distilled water with a teaspoon sea salt. Mix it together in a cup and use a straw at the very tip of each nostril to insert a small amount of water. When singers are traveling and do not have access to the Neti Pot, I recommend pre-packaged saline solution, which can be purchased in any drugstore. A few squirts up each nostril while flying or any time your nasal passages feel dry or irritated will help clean the sinus passages. My students have expressed only positive results from use of this yoga kriya.

Neti Pots are available at most health food stores or may be ordered online. The price range for this valuable tool is approximately $14 for a plastic Neti Pot to $25 or more for a metal one.

Note: This column is not to be construed as specific medical advice. Readers should consult their physicians prior to adopting any of the techniques in the column.

[Editor’s note: Dr. Anthony Jahn, Classical Singer’s resident ENT, also recommends the Neti Pot to his patients and has them available in his offices. As a substitute in a pinch, one can use a water bottle with a pull top, warm water and salt. The Neti Pot is much more efficient, however.]

Suzanne Jackson

Suzanne Jackson is a professional opera singer and certified yoga instructor. She combined these two disciplines to create the yoga program “YogaSing: Yoga for Singers and Performers.” Her DVD, YogaSing, is available at and at the Metropolitan Opera Shop. Suzanne and ADO entertainment will present “YogaSing, Yoga and Wellness Techniques for Singers” in New York City in March 2007. For more information, go to