Christi Amonson is a soprano, a stage director, a curious reader/writer, a professor of voice and opera at The College of Idaho, and a curator of food, hugs, and good times for her family.
Exploring the works of Latinx composers opens new doors to art song repertoire. read on to discover some of the composers and songs featured in performance at the Augusta University Latinx Art Song Festival.
Taking a lesson from popular TV show Ted Lasso, read on to find cheerful ways to believe in yourself and your music making abilities.
Learn how to nail your college audition with this overview of Michael Chipman’s new book. With highlights from specific chapters, you can schedule your consultation lesson and be prepared to ace your post-audition interview.
Sleep is an essential element to physical and mental health, yet many students do not have a solid sleep routine. Case studies explore real-life scenarios you may face that can help you make better sleep choices.
Whether revisiting the classics or looking to expand your repertoire into more modern interpretations, find information on which Italian vocal anthology will best serve you.
Consider the pros and cons of different types of face masks and how well they work with singing and breathing.
Read a humorous perspective on what university music instructors might think about some bad student habits.
Don’t view an education degree as Plan B. Benefits to this route are many, including shared artistry and stability.
Say goodbye to one of classical singing’s most loved divas. Her big voice and even bigger heart have not only left a mark on those closest to her but have cemented her impression as an icon in the musical world.
Don’t wait until the last year of your degree program to formulate a lucrative plan for post-university life. Prepare now to get that degree to pay you back.
It’s tempting to waste away those valuable summer months. These ideas will help you resist that urge and get a jump-start on the fall semester.
Presentation is everything. Discover tips for best representing yourself in all sorts of situations and opportunities.
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