Christi Amonson is a soprano, a stage director, a curious reader/writer, a professor of voice and opera at The College of Idaho, and a curator of food, hugs, and good times for her family.
If you’re struggling to understand why your teacher is giving you yet one more song to learn out of your Twenty-Four Italian Songs and Arias book, here is the background and perspective you need.
Singers look back on their college years and share what they wish they would have known before they began their music major.
The semester is just beginning. If you haven’t been as successful as you hoped in the past, implement these words of wisdom for starting and finishing strong.
Owning original music is valuable on so many levels, the least of which is that anything else is illegal. But where and how do you start? Read up on the essential books that will give you a solid start to creating your own music library.
Are you stuck in a repertoire rut? Or do you feel that your teacher isn’t assigning you songs that you love? Learn how to take the bull by the horns and find the music that is right for your voice and that will truly inspire you.
Practice. Whether you love or hate that word, it should be something you do daily as a singer. Consider the hows and whys to find more motivation, enjoyment, and value in your own daily practice.
If you’re a vocal performance major, a senior recital is in your future. Learn how to program an interesting recital that will best showcase you as well as discover helpful tips for preparing during your recital semester.
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