CJ Williamson founded Classical Singer magazine. She served as Editor-in-Chief until her death in July, 2005. Read more about her incredible life and contributions to the singing community here.
Dear Editor: Please take a look at the thread “Inappropriate behavior in the studio” under the General Interest forum [www.classicalsinger.com] There is another terrible story. Do you know if there
You’re in the thick of the season right now— and the holidays, the busiest season of the year, are upon us. Let’s hope your plate is full of performances and
Charlie Sheen has one. Barbra Streisand has one. Even the Osmonds have one. The stars on Hollywood Boulevard—more than 2,000 of them—are one of California’s top tourist attractions. It costs
The singer’s New Year has just barely begun. How are your resolutions going? Here’s help to get you up and moving so you’ll enjoy a feeling of high energy and look terrific for holiday gigs and the current audition season. (By the way, daily exercise is not optional for serious singers. So pick your poison…I mean, passion!)
Editor: I work with professional singers and singers with vocal problems referred by laryngologists. You offer a valuable service to singers. A number of my singers subscribe to Classical Singer.
One of the dreams we all have as musicians is to make an impact on audiences, large or small. Sometimes, as I’ll show you, it comes in the more unusual
Your letters to us! Thanks for your feedback!
ºDear Editor: CS is a must-have for singers young and old. It’s always full of useful, informative and inspirational information. It’s a survival/planning guide for college singers. —Kenneth Kellogg, Ann
A singing career is a lot like solitaire on my Palm Pilot. OK, that’s a stretch, but I think about singers and their careers often when I’m playing the game.
Dear Editor: You’ve bad delivery. I didn’t receive my subscription for two months. Please improve your service. The magazine is very good! Thank you! -Name Withheld, Towaco, NJ Several years
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Dear Editor : I enjoy the articles, but I would like to see an article or information on local opera companies and workshops, including names of persons to contact, not
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