Beating the Blues

By Angela Myles Beeching
Yep, it’s that time of year again: the season of overspending and overeating–a frenzy of shopping, travel, relatives, frantic work deadlines, played out against a background of saccharine muzak and ersatz cheer.
What’s not to love?
With all this, many people experience seasonal stress and depression: it’s a normal response. Here are a 3 small miracle tips to help make the season brighter:
1. Give yourself time: unplugged quality time, even 20 minutes a day can work wonders. Take a walkwithout any device. Be quiet in your head, let go of your to do list, breathe, and take a look at what’s around you.
2. Give thanks: make a mental list of what you are grateful for—small and large. List your everyday experiences, abilities, and opportunities that you may take for granted. By thinking about these, perhaps on your morning or evening walk (#1), you will absolutely improve your energy and mindset—this I can guarantee!
3. Give your full attention: This is the most valuable gift we can give others: active listening. So instead of waiting for others to stop talking so we can make our own point, breathe deeply, and focus on the other person. Take in what they are saying (words and affect). Be fully present and put yourself in their shows. Empathy is a gift that comes back to us threefold.
This week: Give yourself these gifts: try incorporating one a day—it’s great to be generous with your time, attention, and your thanks!

Author of the acclaimed “Beyond Talent: Creating a Successful Career in Music,” Angela Myles Beeching has helped thousands of musicians build successful careers. She has led workshops at the Eastman School of Music, and the Juilliard, Peabody, Colburn, and Oberlin Conservatories. She has also been a featured speaker at conferences for the National Association of Schools of Music, the National Conference on Keyboard Pedagogy, and the Association of Performing Arts Presenters.
Her articles on entrepreneurship, networking, and creating PR materials have appeared in Inside Arts, The Strad, Classical Singer, and Chamber Music magazines.

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