Being at Your Best

It’s that time of year. We’ve all been slogging through a tough winter trying to reach what many of us now have: spring break.
So how do you get the most of your break?
To get re-charged and refreshed, try reminding yourself of a recent time when you were operating at your best (while performing, teaching, or connecting with a friend or colleague).
We each have within us–at all times–the possibility of being at our best. For most of us, our personal best shows up in flashes, in moments.
In truth, most of the time we fall short of who we want to be.
What is it that allows us to be at our best: to be both inspired and inspiring?
The flow state is characterized by a lack of self-consciousness. Being “in the zone” is about getting out of our own way so that we focus on the NOW—instead of on our fear of being judged—and this frees us to be more fully effective.
Want the recipe for the flow state? Accessing our optimal self requires the 3 C’s we need to be . . .
Creative: fully present and generative,
Compassionate: towards our own and others’ imperfections, and
Courageous: as in daring to “go there” despite the fear.
Questions for the week: Think about your most recent “personal best.” What did it feel like during the episode? What do you think contributed to your being able to get into that flow state?

Angela Myles Beeching

Author of the acclaimed “Beyond Talent: Creating a Successful Career in Music,” Angela Myles Beeching directs the Center for Music Entrepreneurship at Manhattan School of Music and maintains a thriving private practice focused on results-oriented coaching and consulting. Previously, Ms. Beeching directed the New England Conservatory Career Services Center and was a consultant to the Indiana University Jacobs School of Music. Check out her weekly Monday Bytes blog for a regular boost of inspiration and career tips.