Let’s All Shine: The Politics of Singing

Let’s All Shine: The Politics of Singing

We thought it would be a good place to start this column as we are in the throes of the political season.  As in most any business arena, politics play a part in the singing business.  The question is, how do you respond, or not, to those potentially sticky situations that fall under the seemingly ominous title of “politics”.

Jealousy, sarcasm, rumor mongering, unfair or unethical practices, negativity, criticism, insecurity, greed, and numerous other things can and probably will arise at some point or other.  How you handle each one of them could have a profound effect on your career.  As a matter of fact, we would go so far as to say that those who can handle and not be negatively impacted by the presence of or even the invitation to participate in these practices are the ones who are much more likely to succeed in their singing career and even more importantly, life.   Why?  You create your reality; you create your career.  What you truly believe you can, or cannot do, often manifests as such.  When you believe with absolute confidence, in yourself, your unique gifts and talents and that your voice is one that needs to be and should be heard, when you do not involve yourself with potential pitfalls of negative thinking, speaking, feeling, action and behaviors, not only will you find your way in your singing career with great success, you will be happier, healthier and that will only lead to more success.  The opposite also holds true thus making being successful more difficult if not impossible.

Most companies want artists who are good colleagues, well prepared, positive, confident, flexible and able to rise above potentially difficult situations.  When you sing you are in a state of giving, using your very breath and voice to, hopefully, affect and or touch the hearts of the listener.  Opera is, in part, about collaboration. It is not a solo sport.  It is about the entire team working together to create an incredible event which impacts hearts and minds.  Negativity in any form on the part of any team member can spark and spread like a cancer which, in one way or another translates to the stage whether on an individual level or collective.   Being respectful and even supportive of every person with whom you come in contact on or off stage is paramount to a successful career and a successful and happy life.  Rise above any desire or feeling of pressure to think, speak, feel, act or behave negatively toward or about anyone or anything.

Being known as the person who trusts and supports their colleagues, has their backs before, during and after a performance, during rehearsals, fittings, coachings, techs, auditions, competitions etc. is such an uplifting and satisfying experience for everyone involved.  Just try it!  Stay away from criticizing others and when you hear it from others with whom you find yourself in conversation, find something good to say to raise the level of conversation.  If that does not work, kindly dismiss yourself.  The truth is, you do not want your consciousness to be filled with negativity.  It is the law of Cause and Effect.  What goes around comes around.  How we treat each other comes back to us.  Let’s talk about what is good in everyone’s voices and artistic abilities. There is always something good to say about every person, every situation, every place, everything. If you look hard enough you will see it.  With practice it will become easy and turn into the very way you live your life and is that not a better place to be?  The same holds true even more importantly as to how you think, feel and speak about yourself.  Only speak positively about yourself.  Don´t confuse that with ego as false security which only is a mask for insecurity and fear.

In auditions for example, say hello, be kind to everyone. the door attendant, the pianist and of course everyone listening to you at the audition.  Let’s add not being thrown by tempi, being annoyed by being asked to start in the middle of an aria or being difficult when asked to wait an extra 10 minutes because a mistake was made in the schedule.  Practicing making mistakes actually helps you in the long run.  Most…yes…most singers show some kind of attitude during an audition not on purpose, but because they are nervous.  The key is to be yourself, be in the moment, and to focus on giving while singing so you can break that 4th wall and touch people.  Don’t act like this one audition is the end of the world or the most important thing in the world.  Practice not-reacting.  Be prepared.  Do your best.  Have fun.  And let it go!

Whatever we do we need to stop spreading fear, hate, separatism, judgement and criticism about each other. Even when we disagree have respect for others.  And yes…sometimes that means just being quiet and not reacting.  We need to ask ourselves what can we do to support others to shine, to be their best.  In so doing, we will be our best.  Be confident yet humble. Instill confidence in one another. Respect, honor and have faith in each other. Have no fear.  Have courage. Practice compassion. Encourage giving. Share your love for what you do and what you have to offer and let’s take care of each other no matter where we are in the world, no matter our background, no matter our belief system, no matter our weight, color of skin, etc.  Let´s all shine!

Beginning a singing career?  Are you happy living your musical life?  Have you hit a career plateau?  Questions about how the singing business works?  Dr. Robert Mirshak, owner of Mirshak Artists Management, with his wife, Jane Ohmes Mirshak, professional performing artist and now Executive Director of Naam Yoga Healing and Research Center, are here to serve you every month with some thought provoking and helpful (we hope) perspectives on the singing world and your unique place within it.

Robert Mirshak

Robert Mirshak is President and Founder of Mirshak Artists Management, the classical artist management agency based in New York City whose mission is to make a positive difference in artists careers through work ethic, integrity and passion for the musical arts. He is an advocate for ethics in the music business, and represents international artists on a roster comprised mainly of singers but also of stage directors and conductors. 1173 Second Avenue #313, New York, NY 10065  www.mirshakartists.com