Recently I found myself thinking about performing artists and the need to maintain one’s health. Read on for tips from Heidi Skolnik, sports nutritionist and overseer of the Performance Nutrition Program at The Juilliard School and the School of American Ballet.
Fear is a natural part of being a performer. In this month’s “Crossover Corner,” we learn how to run toward our fears to discover the new in our art and bring magic to our creative efforts.
As more people turn to web sources and social media for health information, parsing out the disinformation from the viable and reliable information available becomes increasingly challenging. Dr. Jahn shares tips on how to use Internet sources wisely for your vocal health.
Singer and voice professor Michelle Latour shares her journey through menopause, including factors in how to manage symptoms and biological changes in ways that helped her continue to thrive in her work as well as manage other aspects of entering middle age.
Embracing choreography and dance is vital for singers, as it helps with body awareness and music’s connection to movement. Read on to learn more about movement and its relationship to your voice.
Practicing is crucial for vocal development, but it can be overwhelming trying to practice when you don’t know where to start. Here are some strategies to help you get the most out of your practice sessions!
What you choose to do with the 10-15 minutes before and after vocalizing may be the most important factor you will ever consider for the health and performance of your voice. Read on to learn more about re-defining the warm up.
Are you wondering about your diaphragm and breath? Read on for more information about the diaphragm to help you understand more about its function, and better ways to talk about the breath.
Brian Manternach gives a review on "So You Want to Sing with Awareness" one of the books in the So You Want to Sing collection. This book has an even more unique and non-genre-specific focus. Read on to learn more.
Baritone Lucas Bouk shares his experience on transitioning, retraining his voice during and post-transition, and a more inclusive future for opera.
Soprano Shellie Beeman had just completed a recital rehearsal. The next morning, though, she woke up without the top range of her voice. Read about Shellie's incredibly difficult health journey and how it has shaped her life.
In-person learning is back, but COVID-19 is not gone. Read on to prepare yourself for a return to learning while also minimizing risk for infection and reinfection.
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