By Carol Kirkpatrick, author of ARIA READY, The Business of Singing I am not a product of my circumstances. I am a product of my decisions.” -Stephen Covey If you
By Michelle Latour As singers, we learn very early to be extremely self-critical. In voice lessons, a good teacher diagnoses a technical problem and comes up with solutions to
By JACOPERA. Follow their regular blog at “Vulnerability is not winning or losing; it’s having the courage to show up and be seen when we have no control over
By Mark Stoddard, author of Marketing Singers, a business and marketing guidebook written specifically for singers. No singer ought to be singing for free. I had the chance to help
By Jonathan Blalock I can sincerely relate to Joan Rivers right now. In the brilliant documentary, “A Piece of Work,” Joan’s assistant asks her a question about future dates in
By Mark Stoddard *Mark Stoddard will present the Marketing Workshop in New York City on Friday, January 22. Register at with the discount code CSWORKSHOP. Now, more than ever,
by Gina Molinari “I don’t even like music that much. I realized one day that I was really good at singing and just decided to see how far I could
By Mark Stoddard, author of Marketing Singers, a business and marketing guidebook written specifically for singers. While in Vienna recently I took in an abbreviated performance of Mozart’s Marriage of
Singing can make you a better, happier human. You can learn to access your deepest emotions and channel them cathartically through your voice. You can have deeply unifying experiences with
By Jonathan Blalock of Encompass Arts Sometimes singing is just like flying. When I’m in the zone during a performance, I feel like I’m soaring emotionally and vocally. But just
By Mark Stoddard, author of Marketing Singers, a business and marketing guidebook written specifically for singers. This is the 4th and final installment of a series on setting up and
By Mark Stoddard, author of Marketing Singers, a business and marketing guidebook written specifically for singers. This is the 3rd installment of a series on setting up and running an
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