Certified Singers

Certified Singers

Be Recognized as a Certified Singer!

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$35 application/processing fee

If you competed in the most recent CS Vocal Competition and received a score of 3.5 or higher then you are already a Certified Singer and you do not need to apply again. However, you can submit your video for further feedback from judges.

How It Works


Submit a Video

Register, add your audition or performance video to YouTube, and link it to your application.

-Only one selection required; 8-minute limit


Get Written Feedback

Your video will be reviewed by at least three CS Music judges who provide written comments and a scored evaluation. Judges consist of university faculty, professional voice teachers, and other industry professionals.


Get a Star Rating

Judges give you an overall star rating of 1-5 that you can display on your Singer Profile.



Receive a Certified Artist Award

Singers become a Certified Singer with an overall average score of 3.5 or higher.


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$35 application/processing fee

Certified Singer status is only valid for two years after your last official review. If you go more than two years without a review, you must reapply to become a Certified Singer.