A soprano of the golden years shares her recollections of life in the fast lane “way back when.” While some things change, many things remain the same, including finding balance and happiness amid the challenges of life.
For many singers, balancing career and life actually means balancing careers and life. Learn how several singers manage to find success and enjoyment in both their day jobs and singing professions.
Constant travel, especially of the international variety, can strain family relationships. Learn how to make it easy for your family to stay in touch with you while you’re abroad.
Consider the pros and cons of couples’ joint, separate, and half-and-half bank accounts.
Ah, February. The holidays are but a distant memory, as are ambitious New Year’s resolutions, and spring seems forever around the corner. Under a cloud-covered sky and amid sub-zero temperatures,
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Replace Your Score with a Tablet or Laptop Members of the Borromeo String Quartet play all their concerts from their laptops, and other ensembles are beginning to try out similar
Russian classical vocal music is becoming more and more mainstream, but the difficult Cyrillic alphabet and challenging language are often a stumbling block for singers. A new summer program is helping singers make sense of the Russian language in just four short weeks.
Do you leave TweetDeck open while you’re practicing? Do you watch endless chains of YouTube videos long after you’ve gone to bed? Is your sense of self-worth tied to your reputation on an online forum? Do you tweet from the toilet? A social media intervention might be in order.
Dr. Jahn answers questions from singers about rheumatoid arthritis, an edema on an arytenoid, sleep apnea, and an appendectomy. If you have a question for the doctor, e-mail him at jahn@classicalsinger.com..
Research shows that setting heady goals gets you nowhere, but realistic, small goals do. Consider five such financial resolutions for your new year.
If you are an avid or even casual reader of Classical Singer, you have probably noticed recent themes and references to health and fitness. The series “Does Size Matter,” about
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