Critics and singers are often like water and oil. In this new digital age, however, the two camps can have more interaction. But is it a good idea? Olivia Giovetti examines this changing landscape.
Critics have cried for years, “Where is the big operatic voice?” But are they asking the wrong question? Olivia Giovetti explores a variety of other possibilities that might explain what many consider a dearth of large voices.
We continue last month’s discussion on professional role preparation with a candid discussion with coaches, a conductor, and stage directors about expectations. What level of preparation do they expect from singers when they step into the rehearsal process? Find out here and avoid being caught ill prepared.
Tenor Steven Ebel shares how he landed a spot as the only American in a London YAP, as well as how he manages to both sing and compose professionally.
Last month Cindy discussed how to prepare before you get to rehearsal. In this installment, she shares the unwritten rules of professional rehearsal behavior once you are at rehearsal.
Dr. Jahn answers questions from singers about the effects of birth control on the singing voice, how thyroid disease impacts vocal production, and the risks and benefits of cortisone shots. If you have a question for the doctor, e-mail him at
Having your wallet, laptop, or car stolen—in addition to feeling like a personal violation—can be a major financial headache. Learn how to minimize the cost when such unwanted events happen, as well as how to avoid them altogether in the first place.
The second semester of my freshman year I enrolled in Italian 101 at 8 a.m. on Monday through Friday to fulfill the language requirements for my vocal performance degree. I
Israel Chamber Orchestra Plays in Bayreuth, Germany The Israel Chamber Orchestra played Richard Wagner’s Siegfried Idyll in Bayreuth for an audience of 700 on July 26, according to Agence France-Presse.
What the Internet says about you matters. Here’s how to put words in its mouth.
Sometimes canceling just isn’t an option. So what should you do when you must sing while under the weather? Find out here.
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