The friction between the university choral program and voice program is not news. But a university where these two programs have found common ground and are working in tandem is. Students and teachers will benefit from reading how Montclair State University is doing it.
There’s more to Texas than 10-gallon hats, cattle, and the Alamo, especially when it comes to university music programs. Find out why so many singers are flocking to four such programs.
Find out what the recent merger between two top programs means for young singers.
Role preparation in the real world often means much more work than is typically required during your student years. But it’s never too early to start acting like a professional. Whatever level you’re currently at, following these seven steps will ensure your complete preparation.
Read about this 30-something college senior’s remarkable journey from one-time successful business owner who lost everything to opera-star hopeful.
They say that hindsight is 20/20. Learn from others’ “perfect vision” and avoid potential mistakes as you begin your college career.
When I was growing up, my father had a lot of typical “dad” expressions. When we were driving in the car, if another driver failed to yield, turned in front
What the Internet says about you matters. Here’s how to put words in its mouth.
Sometimes canceling just isn’t an option. So what should you do when you must sing while under the weather? Find out here.
Learn how to be a true professional in the rehearsal setting by following Cindy’s always straight-forward and sage advice.
Don’t let your efforts to save a buck cost you more time, money, and hassle in the long run.
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