CS decided to find out more about Opera on the James’ new Young Artist Program, which just finished its inaugural year. The program’s first four participants tell why they decided to take a chance on a start-up program and how it compared to their expectations.
Four coaches from Young Artist Programs share what their job entails, how they strive to inspire singers, and what they think singers need to be accepted to and find success in a Young Artist Program.
CS catches up with the five recent winners of the 2011 Met National Council Auditions to discuss how their YAP participation played in to their recent success in one of the most coveted wins. Read what they feel made the difference here.
Six artists and teachers share what they consider are the five most important things a singer should do. From posture to a released jaw to having your materials always at the ready, it’s all here.
This long-time manager and singer consultant who has sat in on countless auditions over his 30-year career shares what you can control in the audition setting. Read about why considering what your auditioning for is paramount, as well as what you wear, what you sing, and so much more.
Get a glimpse into the obscure world of orchestral work from those who do the hiring.
Five singers working in Berlin tell what it’s like to have a Fest contract, how the audition scene is changing, as well as what are the perks of living in Germany’s capital city.
With audition season just around the corner, brush up on how to ensure you make a good and professional impression every time.
Hypnotize yourself at the touch of a screen. Can it really work? And what are its benefits for singers?
What happens when Olivia decides to put her own advice to the test and live strictly on $50 for a week? Find out here.
To share your comments about CS or your story of why you sing e-mail editorial@classicalsinger.com.
Classical Singer Competition Results Are In The seventh annual Classical Singer Vocal Competition was held in Los Angeles May 20-22 at the Westin LAX Hotel. Nearly 1,000 singers participated in
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