In the United States there are hundreds of colleges to choose from, so how does one exactly pick a college to attend? Here are tips for choosing the college of your dreams if you are unsure of where to begin.
The classical singing industry finds itself with fewer lower voices professionally and in school programs. Recruiting tenors, baritones, and basses requires shifts in cultural understanding of the arts as a professional field.
As a performing artist, you will take many auditions during the course of your career. There is a lot of advice available on preparing for auditions, but what about after the audition? How do you prepare for that? I’d like to explore that question in this article.
"Girondines" by Kirsten Kunkle and Sarah Melnick is a unique showcase for women’s voices as well as a moving, inspiring story about women’s bravery in the face of oppression, a topic no less relevant today than during the French Revolution.
Working on your Italian lyric diction is. . . come si dice? Più importante! Outside of diction class and voice lessons, subscribe to or for pronunciation practice of your song texts. If you are a curious scholar looking for songs beyond the 24 Italian Songs and Arias that will help you level up, this column is for you.
A new text helps teachers explore efficient and effective implementation of the class voice format.
Choosing repertoire for undergraduate auditions can be difficult to negotiate. You want to present something that fits your voice and highlights your strengths, yet is not overdone. How do you know if you have chosen the appropriate rep? Look no further! Read on to discover what college professors really think about your audition selections.
How do we know if anyone is watching submitted audition videos? As prescreening videos become more ubiquitous, singers are feeling frustrated with analytics revealing that videos were not viewed by companies rejecting them from auditions.
In this conversation, Frisco and Otaño discuss the ways that singers must manage their online presence. Read on to discover ways to improve your website and social media to your professional advantage.
Interlochen is more than just a summer camp, with six program areas including the Interlochen Arts Academy. The curriculum for high school students prepares them differently than traditional pre-college programs.
Tuacahn Amphitheatre is a unique outdoor venue in southern Utah. Performers and staff share the spectacular experience of providing world-class family entertainment.
Heidi Skok began her career in professional opera with the lightest soprano roles and has been able to establish herself in a second career as a contralto, more than 25 years later. Skok’s vocal odyssey has been harrowing in many ways, making it doubly heartwarming to witness the serenity and wisdom that are now hers to share with any young artist fortunate enough to study with her.
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