Knowing just how much physical acting to do during an audition can be a challenge. Richard Crittenden's detailed interpretation of Menotti's 'Monica's Waltz' outlines general dos and don'ts that can be applied to any audition aria.
Have the warm breezes of summer brought you an onslaught of sneezes and sniffles? Read what remedies Dr. Jahn recommends for the seasonal allergies that can hamper those high notes.
Christine Brewer knows the importance of being patient, saying no, and waiting for the right opportunities. Her patience has paid off, with an international career on both the recital and operatic stage.
Take a look at a great new tool that every singer, whether techno connoisseur or novice, should know about.
Michigan Opera Working to Attract a More Diverse Audience Opera America and Michigan Opera Theatre have joined forces in an attempt to attract more members of ethnic groups to attend
In J.K. Rowling’s acclaimed children’s series about the adventures of the young wizard Harry Potter, the opening session of the first school term at Hogwarts ends with the entire student
Born in Australia, Ian Campbell has spent much of his career in America. Find out what has made him and San Diego Opera so successful—and read his list of dos and don’ts for singers.
No stranger to the stresses and difficulties of a singing career and on the brink of a burgeoning career, Angela Brown tells all—from creating her own programs to handling the stress and excitement of her Met debut.
“May you live in interesting times,” says an old curse—and from a medical standpoint, singers’ lives are always interesting. Dr. Anthony Jahn MD answers questions about singing and health.
Two things every singer can count on in this business? Rejection and criticism. Learning to cope while maintaining a healthy and honest self-perception can be extremely difficult. Cindy Sadler offers CS readers some valuable tools for the task. Whether it’s laughing at yourself or throwing a temper-tantrum, it’s all here.
London Symphony Plays Graffiti Composition Swiss performance artist Christian Marclay assembled the makings of a musical score from Berliners’ graffiti, according to the British newspaper The Telegraph. Marclay made posters
Dear Editor: Classical Singer magazine is so informative and helpful! As a young singer, I have learned many things about the business that I did not get a chance to
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