Don’t believe it when you hear that Stanislavsky’s techniques are detrimental to freedom in singing. Nothing could be further from the truth. The Father of Modern Acting Techniques had a strong affinity for opera, and developed some of his most effective ideas through his work with singers. He created a universally influential system that is far more complex than the scratch-and-mumble cliché that characterizes it in the popular understanding. Here is the information you need to begin making the system work for you.
Heldentenor James King enriches his listeners both when he sings and when he speaks. Here he imparts wisdom gained during an inspiring career.
Wouldn’t it be nice to know how much money singers are making? AGMA, the singers’ union, doesn’t publish any financial figures for singers. The actors’ union, Screen Actors Guild (SAG),
More on Stage Direcotrs
CS explores the phenomenon of live operatic recordings and the latest technology for computer downloading of recorded music.
In an open letter to AGMA members, newly named National Executive Director Alan S. Gordon speaks of changes, new expectations and a better life for singers. Classical Singer here reprints his letter in its entirety.
BAM's Theodora, Pacific Opera Recital, Matthias Goerne Recital, and more.
Classical Singer's electronics maven explains the ramifications of the newest computer technology to you.
The life and career of the great soprano were littered with poignant might-have-beens. Here is another.
The Count's Vengeance Aria from Mozart's Le Nozze de Figaro is a study in contrasts.
Postpartum Vocal Health, High Altitude and Vocal Fatigue
From under-the-counter obscurity to international visibility, this is the story of the recording and distribution of live operatic recordings.
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