Cleveland Institute of Music Masterclass

Mon May 27, 2024
12:15 pm EDT
New York Room
High School
Young Artist/Emerging Pro

General Information

Toward Effortless Singing


Mary Schiller

Vocalists are always striving for balance: not too loud or soft, dark or light, slow or fast. That’s why Dr. Schiller has positioned CIM as a haven for Bel Canto, an Italian method of singing that focuses on coordinating the breath perfectly with the muscles that control it. She promotes principles such as appoggio (Italian for “to lean”) and legato (a seamlessness of tones) to ensure students have the building blocks for successful careers and vocal longevity. Dr. Schiller has appeared in more than 30 operas; in oratorio and recital; and in leading roles such as Violetta, Fiordiligi and Susanna.