Music Theatre Wichita is excited to be back with five stellar shows for our 2025 season.
Music Theatre Wichita auditions the following 3 groups:
* Current non-union college students from musical theatre programs all over the country for the resident ensemble.
* Local (have housing in Wichita) adult performers for supporting roles.
* Equity performers for leading roles. These auditions are in New York through EPAs or agent submissions.
Our 2025 season auditions are as follows:
* February 21-23 – Resident ensemble and local adult auditions in Wichita.
* February 28-March 2 – Resident ensemble auditions in Chicago.
* March 4-7 – EPAs and Equity agent submissions in New York City.
* March 8-9 – Resident ensemble auditions in New York City.
* March 14-15 – Resident ensemble auditions in Oklahoma City.
Sign ups for the resident ensemble auditions will open on January 15th. The link will be available starting at 10 AM CST.
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