Theatre Scarborough


Scarborough, CA-ON CAN

Deadline: 09/19/2024
Emerging Pro
Company/Theatre, Musical Theatre, Volunteer, Lead



Theatre Scarborough will be holding auditions for The Emperors New Clothes,


Sunday, Sept 15, 2024 from 7:00 to 10:00 pm

Tuesday, Sept 17, 2024 from 7:00 to 10:00 pm

Thursday, Sept 19, 2024 from 7:00 to 10:00 pm


Scarborough Theatre Guild Rehearsal Unit – 2105 Midland Avenue, Unit 16, Scarborough, Ontario (the building is immediately north of the Midland LRT station on east side, south of Progress. The unit and both driveway exits face Cosentino Drive)


Please prepare a short comedic monologue (max 90 seconds). There will also be readings from the play. Prepare to be re-directed.

You will be asked to sing (acapella) one verse and chorus of a song of your choosing.

Please bring a copy of your resume and a photo/headshot to the audition.

Callbacks ?will consist of scenes from the show, performed in groups. We ask that you be available for the full time period so we have a chance to experiment with different pairings/groupings of actors.


There will be a dance/movement call held halfway through each audition session at 8:30-9:15 pm on Sept 15, 17 & 19. You must attend the session on the day of your audition, so be prepared to come early or stay later depending on the timing of your audition. Please wear comfortable clothes and shoes (no heels/character shoes)—and have some fun! Your moxie counts as much as your dance and movement abilities!

Go to website to schedule an audition time.

edit listing