International Orange Chorale


San Francisco, CA USA

Deadline: 06/30/2025
Company, Classical, Musical Theatre, Other, Volunteer, Chorus



The International Orange Chorale of San Francisco holds auditions in the spring and fall, though we may hold auditions at other times if there is an opening in one of our sections. If you would like to audition for IOCSF, please contact us as described below. We are an auditioned, all-volunteer (unpaid) ensemble of approximately 32 singers. Rehearsals are most Sunday evenings (usually 5:30-8:30pm) in San Francisco’s Mission neighborhood. We sing challenging and rewarding a cappella choral music, with particular attention to modern composers and to premiering new compositions.

If you are interested in auditioning, please e-mail us at and include the following information:

* General information about your choral experience, including any Bay Area ensembles you have sung with

* Your sight-singing experience and level

* Your preferred choral voice part (S, A, T or B)

* Any additional voice parts you can comfortably sing for an entire season

edit listing