2025 Elizabeth Connell Prize International Singing Competition


Bowral, AU-NSW AUS

Deadline: 03/31/2025
Fee: $100.00
Graduate, Emerging Pro, Young Artist
Classical, Paid



Welcome to the Elizabeth Connell Prize International Singing Competition for Sopranos and Mezzo-sopranos.

The Elizabeth Connell Prize will be held live in London on 5-8 June 2025.

Open to all professional and non-professional Sopranos and Mezzo sopranos under the age of 35 as of 30 June 2025. Singers from all nationalities, who are currently performing or show the potential to perform the more dramatic repertoire, may enter.

The competition will be held over 4 Rounds and performed with piano. Two arias are to be performed in each round.

Round 1 - Online Video Application

* All items must be provided. Please ensure your name is at the top of each page of your documents.

* Provide two (2) video links of two (2) contrasting arias - see page 2 for additional aria criteria.

* Fill in the Online Application form on the website attaching all necessary information and documents.

* Curriculum vitae or biography, and future plans - two (2) page maximum, bullet points preferable, outlining your education, current experience, current repertoire and future plans.

* Publicity photo (JPEG or PNG)

* Proof of ID with age - Passport or Drivers License.

Go to website for application and recording requirements.

AUD$100 entry fee payable through Paypal online - entry fees are non-refundable.

Application deadline: March 31, 2025

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