Cultural Bridge


Nationwide, GBR

Deadline: 11/26/2024
Emerging Pro, Young Artist, Professional
Company, Classical, Musical Theatre, CCM, Other, N/A, Lead

Contact Website


There is a total of £360,000 available in the 2025 - 2026 funding round. Funding is awarded across two tiers:

Tier 1: New Partnerships, up to £10,000 per partnership

Supporting the development of brand new partnerships between arts and cultural organisations in the UK and Germany.

Tier 2: Established Partnerships, up to £30,000 per partnership

Supporting further development of partnerships, where organisations already have

Organisations can apply for a contribution to personal access costs in addition to the funding outlined above, see the full guidance for further information.

Full grant information:

Further information and application:

UK organisations contact:

Lorna Palmer, Programme Manager, Cultural Bridge

German organisations contact:

Silvia Bonadiman Programme development, Fonds Soziokultur e.V.

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