
Freilichtspiele Schwäbisch Hall

Schwäbisch Hall, DEU
Emerging Pro, Young Artist, Professional
Classical/Opera, Musical Theatre

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Since 1925, professional open-air theater has been played in Schwäbisch Hall on the more than 500-year-old staircase in front of the St. Michael church. In the first few seasons, Hugo von Hofmannsthal's "Jedermann" was the only piece that was performed. From 1949 onwards, under director Wilhelm Speidel, the repertoire was expanded to include other sacred and classical dramas. From 1968, artistic director Achim Plato also added pieces that dealt with secular problems or religiously controversial matters, because: "The stairs not only lead up to the sacred area, but also down to the market square and his secular life."

The steadily increasing audience interest gradually made it possible to expand the genres and venues. From 1985 on, plays for children and families were also staged, initially on the Kleine Staircase in Gelbinger Gasse. In 1990 "Jesus Christ Superstar" was the first musical on the Great Staircase in front of St. Michael. Other venues in the 90s were the theater cellar on the harbor market and the theater barn in the open air museum in Wackershofen. In the 75th anniversary year of 2000, a sensational Shakespeare theater building was created with the Haller Globe Theater built in a grandiose public action on Kocherinsel "Unterwöhrd". Erected as a temporary measure, the three-story open-air round theater quickly found its way into the hearts of many spectators in Schwäbisch Hall and far beyond the region.

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