
St Michael’s, Camden

London, England, GBR
Young Artist, Emerging Pro
Classical/Opera, Other

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We're currently operating with reduced numbers, but still doing plenty of good music. Whilst congregational singing is banned, we're fitting in as much plainsong as we can to fill those gaps. We have singers from a wide range of musical backgrounds, quite often those who've sung as Oxford/Cambridge scholars. Rehearsal time is very limited, so excellent reading/blending are a must.

Full information follows:

Voice(s) required: Bass and soprano voices, (basses in particular). Date /

Time: Sundays, 9:30am rehearsal, 10:30am service. Additional services from time to time, including those for Advent and Christmas Venue: St Michael's Church, Camden Road, NW1 9LQ (nearest tube, Camden Town; nearest overground, Camden Road). Fee (£amount or no): Unfortunately not. This is an opportunity aimed at amateur singers aspiring to high standards.

Expenses (£amount or no): N/A Repertoire: varies. Currently, lots of plainsong with motets from renaissance and early-mid 20th century periods.

Rehearsals (mandatory or not?): Rehearsals on the day - nothing else expected mid-week