
Peterborough Cathedral

Peterborough, England, GBR
Emerging Pro

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Peterborough is one of the new foundation cathedrals (together with Gloucester, Oxford, Chester and Bristol) created by Henry VIII as the monasteries were dissolved. There has been an Abbey on this site for over 1200 years, but the current building was begun in 1118. Three principal glories of the Cathedral building are its iconic West Front, the painted wooden Medieval Nave ceiling and the splendid fan-vaulted New Building, possibly created by the architect of King’s College Chapel in nearby Cambridge. The spacious Precincts still contain a number of monastic buildings and ruins. Inside, the Cathedral has been completely cleaned and restored since 2001, and is probably more complete and in better condition than at any time in its history.

There is a lively Cathedral community including all age groups, and as well as regular worship led by the Choir, it supports children’s and young people’s groups, education programmes, a theological society and a weekly lunchtime address. It contributes time and resources to a local project for the homeless, educational and other outreach initiatives, and provides hospitality to a variety of groups and gatherings. The Cathedral is principally the seat of the Bishop of Peterborough, and hosts many of the larger Diocesan services and events. There is considerable

support here for music in worship. Resources for music and the Choir have grown considerably in recent years, since the restoration of the inside of the building was completed and Cathedral Music is one of the main areas to be supported by a fundraising campaign to be launched at

Christmas 2020.