
Orchestre Appassionato

Paris, FRA
Emerging Pro, Young Artist, Professional

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"This is by far the best definition of what makes up the essence of Appassionato. Beyond a chamber orchestra, Appassionato is a chamber orchestra. The fine listening of each other developed by passionate musicians with communicative energy, is the basis of the great singularity of Appassionato.

Playing together is a question that obsesses all conductors and all musicians who perform in a way other than solo. Far beyond the simple fact of placing the notes vertically one above the other, it is about finding an osmosis between the musicians, feeling the lines, the phrases, the movements of the music, adopting a common breathing that fundamentally changes the interpretation.

A quartet, a trio, but at 40, a different listening, a game of questions and answers, from one ear to another, a “Musical ping-pong, that’s what makes Appassionato stand out, concert after concert and recording after recording.”