Are you considering a European audition tour, but need more information on the how-tos? One singer found just the answers she was looking for at a new summer program at the University of Memphis.
If you’re looking for a summer adventure somewhat off the beaten bath, consider looking into a Fringe Festival in your area. One singer shares her experiences entering the arena of producer, and how she enjoyed being on the fringe.
Cedar Rapids Opera Theatre’s Young Artist Program is providing terrific opportunities for singers to work alongside seasoned professionals and learn the ropes of the business.
If you fall into the “mature singer” category, finding a summer program fit can be a challenge. One program recognized this, and has created an innovative new program that offers training and much more.
What is the most basic ingredient for being a good singer? Talent? The right teacher? A musical upbringing? All of these these are important, but if you keep it really simple, there is something even more essential to good singing: good health–and one of the things that is essential to maintaining good health is a healthy environment. Since it’s the New Year (a time for clarifying your vision and reassessing priorities) let’s take a look at the singer’s most vital resource and think about stepping into the spotlight on environmental issues for what may be your most important role ever.
In Part One of this series (see November 2007), Cindy Sadler outlined all you needed to know for flying within your budget. Now she tackles another travel topic: how to find low-cost yet comfortable accommodations. Don’t let that next audition trip break the bank.
Is your throat dry, sore, or scratchy? Do you experience excess mucus or chronic hoarseness? The symptoms may indicate something different than just the common cold. Here’s Dr. Jahn with the scoop.
In the first installment of Classical Singer’s new technology column, Amanda White sits down in front of her trusty iBook G4 for an instant message interview with the world’s foremost opera blogger, Opera Chic.
Can increased self-awareness developed through successes—and failures—on stage help you become a more effective leader? In this final installment of this five-part series, participants in Kay Kleinerman’s study explore this question.
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The Oxford American Dictionary defines “profession” as an “occupation that involves prolonged training.” Many professions have more or less specific, delineated paths of prolonged training. Those who choose singing as
Each month CS highlights one of its readers. If you’d like to take Center Stage in an upcoming issue of Classical Singer, visit Tell us about yourself, and upload a picture. We want to know about you!
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