Summer Program

National Music Festival Voice Symposium

Chestertown, MD USA
High School, Undergraduate, Graduate, Emerging Pro, Young Artist, Professional
Classical, Musical Theatre, CCM, Other

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Quick Facts

  • Next Program Date: 06/01/25 - 06/14/25
  • Tuition Fee ($USD): $500 - $999
  • Total Number of Singers: 50+
  • Total Number of Faculty: 20+


To celebrate our world view and multi-cultural interests, Estill Voice International produces an international symposium every two years. In presentations and workshops led by some of our most gifted teachers and invited guests from the scientific, medical, and voice training communities, we explore the world of vocal possibilities. In 2025, we look forward to seeing you in Chicago, IL, USA for our 12th Estill World Voice Symposium: Vocal Empowerment: Stronger Together.

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