
Longy School of Music of Bard College

Department of Music

Cambridge, MA USA
Classical/Opera, Musical Theatre

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Quick Facts

  • Total Number of Graduate Voice Students: 50+
  • Total Number of Voice Faculty: 11 - 20
  • Degrees Offered: MM, Graduate Certificate
  • In-State Tuition (per semester): $20,000+
  • Out-of-State Tuition (per semester): $20,000+


Become the musician the world needs you to be… because the world needs music now more than ever. At Longy, we’re constantly rethinking conservatory education and expanding the world’s understanding of what a life in music can mean. We prepare you to engage new audiences, teach anyone, anywhere – and make a difference with your music.


Corrine Byrne

Chair of Vocal Studies

Opportunities & Events


Longy's Partnership with Boston Opera Collaborative

See What Makes Longy Special!

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