Carnegie Mellon University

School of Music

Pittsburgh, PA USA
Undergraduate, Graduate, Emerging Pro, Young Artist
Classical/Opera, Musical Theatre

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Quick Facts

  • Total Number of Undergraduate Voice Students: 21 - 50
  • Total Number of Graduate Voice Students: 0 - 20
  • Total Number of Voice Faculty: 0 - 10
  • Degrees Offered: BFA, MM, Graduate Certificate
  • In-State Tuition (per semester): $20,000+
  • Out-of-State Tuition (per semester): $20,000+


The vocal performance program at Carnegie Mellon prepares singers for professional careers in opera and the concert stage. Alumni of the School of Music are currently performing with orchestras and opera companies around the world, as well as performing on Broadway.

Vocal performance majors study the classical bel canto technique with an emphasis on vocal health. Four semesters of acting and dance enhance their performance skills. Each year, the School of Music presents two fully-staged productions in the Philip Chosky Theatre at the Purnell Center for The Arts, and a third fully-staged production in Alumni Concert Hall. All productions are designed by students in the School of Drama.

Opportunities & Events



Opera: The Pastiche Project

Giulio Cesare in Egitto