Summer Program

MPulse Musical Theatre Workshop

University of Michigan

Ann Arbor, MI USA
High School
Musical Theatre

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Quick Facts

  • Next Program Date: 07/06/25 - 07/26/25
  • Tuition Fee ($USD): >$3,000
  • Total Number of Singers: 21 - 50
  • Total Number of Faculty: 11 - 20


The Musical Theatre Workshop is a wide-ranging educational program that gives students the opportunity to work with faculty members of the renowned University of Michigan Department of Musical Theatre, as well as special industry guests, on the campus in Ann Arbor, Michigan.

The Musical Theatre Workshop enrolls approximately 40 students and is designed for rising seniors who are considering BFA degree programs in college. Consideration is also given to rising juniors of exceptional ability and experience.

Areas of emphasis within the program include:

Analysis of song lyrics and the ways music informs the interpretation of the lyrics

Acting techniques for songs, including contemporary and traditional repertoire

Broadway dance styles taught in daily dance classes

Contemporary trends in musical theatre in New York City

Vocabulary of the field

Voice study, including stylistic approaches for pop songs and contemporary musical theatre songs

Techniques for working on monologues and scenes

Audition skills

Musical theatre history