Young Artist Program

Opera national de Paris Artist in Residence

Paris, FRA
Undergraduate, Young Artist

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The Academy's ambition is to promote a new generation of artists and craftspeople in fine crafts.

In particular, it offers a development program to give young singers at the start of their careers the best assets to succeed in professional life.

The mission of the Académie de l'Opéra national de Paris is to prepare young artists for the conditions of their future profession: on the one hand it is a question of confronting them with the experience of the stage, on the other hand of make the results of their work known to the public through concerts and shows.

It is essential for them to acquire a sense of musical rigor, to learn to reflect on a score, to understand its dramaturgical issues, and finally, to fully commit to a musical and theatrical project.

Mastery of the French language is necessary to fully benefit from the course offered by the Academy.