Bellevue Youth Choirs (BYC) is seeking musicians and scholars to lead an online workshop in September introducing and exploring musical theatre.
Each meeting of the workshop will focus on an aspect of the musical theatre tradition. We want to invite our choristers to expand their knowledge of what they can experience through music as an artist and an audience member.
This four-week session should encourage and support BYC’s mission statement to “offer unmatched musicianship training, inspired performances, and a joyful, spirited community for youth.”
We look forward to hearing what you can offer our choristers. Here are some ideas for topics:
Learning Healthful Belting
Use of head voice in musical theatre
Working with an accompanist
Choosing or transposing music for your range
From Gilbert & Sullivan to Miranda (and everything in between)
Music reading importance
Ensemble singing
Our topics are flexible, as you are the expert in your field.
Please contact Nicholas Gorne via e-mail if you are interested in leading our musical theatre workshop.
Please include:
A letter sharing what you would like to share in the four sessions (60-90 minutes each) of the workshop
A video, audio, or written resume detailing your performance and teaching experience.
A website, if you have one.
We will compensate you for your time and act as a support as we work to present this online workshop. We will have a facilitator and provide the platform. Please include your fee schedule if you have one.
Please e-mail your interest to Nicholas Gorne
Nicholas Gorne
Managing Artistic Director
Madeleine Stephens
Executive Director
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